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Juan Carlos Galindo: “The Spanish Transparency Act comes in 64th place of 99 in the world”

01 jun 2016

“Tax havens and Transparency: a political, business and social dilemma”. This is the title of the Master Class offered by lecturer and trainer Juan Carlos Galindo on Thursday, May 26, at Universidad Europea de Valencia.

The President of the Association for Transparency, an expert on criminal business liability, preventing money laundering and information security, among other associated issues, firstly explained concepts such as “offshore financial centers, tax havens, black money, dirty money, etc.”, terms that are widely used in the press today.

He also noted that the Spanish Transparency Act comes in“64th place of 99” according to different international rankings. Juan Carlos Galindo also noted that “in the Autonomous Community of Valencia city councils are not obliged to comply with transparency, in other words, the Transparency Act is not applied”, this entails a deficit for ending the use of bad practices as, according to Galindo, “transparency is a wonderful tool for combating corruption and tax havens”.

The Master Class on “Tax havens and Transparency: a political, business and social dilemma”, is part of the Open Door Days organized by the Universidad Europea de Valencia Social Science Department.