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Universidad Europea hosts a master's class on “New models for attending chronicity: multidisciplinarity and nursing roles”

20 sep 2016

On September 2, the Universidad Europea hosted the master's class “New models for attending chronicity: multidisciplinarity and new nursing roles, to present its new Master’s Degree in Advanced Practice in Caring for the Complex Chronic Patient, which will begin in October.

The lecture, led by nurses from the Hospital Infanta Sofía Elena Moreno Ortega, hospital liaison nurse; Cristina Martín Domínguez, cancer patient nurse care coordinator; and Beatriz Rodríguez García, nurse case manager in the pain unit, focused on implementing the new, advanced practice professional profile in Spain in order to develop strategies for dealing with chronic illness.

The new Master’s Degree in Advanced Practice for Caring for the Complex Chronic Patient aims to address professional roles such as liaison nurses and nurse case managers, whose jobs focus on providing cross-disciplinary and continuous care for complex chronic patients who need specific care, and for their carers. In addition to the new profiles, the master's class also dealt with the professional nursing network focusing on the comprehensive care and management of chronic patients at the Hospital Infanta Sofía.