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The Universidad Europea brings together experts on specialist training in veterinary clinical tests

27 jul 2016

The Universidad Europea and Veterindustria organized a session on the needs and expectations of the veterinary sector regarding clinical tests to mark the presentation of the new Master’s Degree in the Integrated Management of Veterinary Clinical Tests on June 29.

Veterinary clinical research, together with Veterinary Clinical Tests (ECV), is becoming increasingly important in Europe and worldwide, as the market demands greater specialization. Aware of this, the Spanish animal health business association Veterindustria and the Universidad Europea de Madrid have also signed a framework collaboration agreement to undertake joint activities focused around training, advice and research in animal health.

The session held in June included talks by Cristina Muñoz, from the Spanish Medicine and Healthcare Products Agency (AEMPS) and the European Medicines Agency, discussing the current legislation on veterinary medicine and clinical tests, and possible changes in the regulations; and by Natividad Pérez Villalobos, professor at the Universidad Europea and Clinical Research Manager at TRIALVET, explaining the new learning methods and specialization required by the market.

After the session, there was a round table with the participation of Pablo Hervás Calle, technical director of Veterindustria; Patxi Sarasola, director of the Association of Veterinary Consultants (AVC) and Ondax Scientific S.L.; Sonia Pérez Gamelo, from the Institute of Agricultural Research and Technology - INIA; and Elisa Agudo, deputy Dean of Training and Biotechnology at Universidad Europea, who all agreed on the need for specialization and celebrated the launch of the Master’s Degree in the Integrated Management of Veterinary Clinical Tests, which fills a gap in the area of clinical research in veterinary medicine.