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Poverty and 'zero hunger', the first two challenges in the #COMPANIES4SDGs global campaign

15 nov 2017

Each month, employees, faculty, students and alumni will seek to increase their knowledge of the  17 SDGs thanks to the global campaign by #COMPANIES4SDGs. November sees the launch of the first two challenges, with a focus on stamping out poverty and achieving 'zero hunger'.

In order to achieve the first challenge of helping to eradicate poverty, the Universidad Europea, together with #COMPANIES4SDGs, is promoting the adoption of sustainable habits and recommendations for putting them into practice on a daily basis, such as purchasing products labeled as Fair Trade, supporting micro-loan projects in developing countries, or participation in initiatives for raising awareness in schools. According to UN data, there are 836 million people worldwide living in extreme poverty.

The second monthly challenge, that of “zero hunger”, aims to involve the university community in bringing an end to hunger through small, everyday contributions such as waste reduction and organic waste. Millions of people suffer from malnutrition and face difficulty either growing or obtaining food, while in other parts of the world, perfectly edible food is thrown away. In Spain, over 7.7 tons of food end up being thrown away. One of the objectives is to raise awareness among volunteers of how we produce, how we sell and how we consume our food in order to be able to put food on the table in a more sustainable manner.