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Paco Martín offers a Master Class for Marketing and Business students

10 oct 2016

The Universidad Europea de Canarias hosted a master class a few days ago with students from the Marketing and Business Management and Entrepreneurship degree programs.

The class was given by Paco Martín, one of the three Canary Island locals working on IBM’s first quantum computer. He spoke of transferring knowledge and innovation as part of the Innovation Management course taught by professor Luis Guirado Fuentes. Our university highly values visits from prestigious professionals from the field of technology innovation.

Paco Martín is currently working with IBM Research and is about to complete his Doctor’s Degree in Computer Science Security as part of the research group CryptULL. He is also the founder of GDG Tenerife (Tenerife Google Developer Group), a non-profit group of developers who aim to share their technologies. A mobile platform development enthusiast, he has won various prizes at different app-related competitions.