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Official opening ceremony for the 2016/2017 academic year

27 sep 2016

The Universidad Europea de Valencia has opened the 2016/2017 academic year with a ceremony where attorney Jaime Olleros, managing partner at Olleros Abogados, offered a Master Class on “Internationalization and new technologies. Challenges for the university in training the attorneys of the future”.

The event was chaired by Rector Juan Morote Sarrión, and attended by various institutional and academic authorities, as well as law professionals, doctors, professors, Universidad Europea de Valencia personnel and students.

During his speech Jaime Olleros highlighted that the university has the challenge of offering future attorneys a profound knowledge of law, and to do that it must consider what society demands for coming years from an international perspective and an open mind to new fields of legal practice and the advances imposed by technology”

Meanwhile, Rector Juan Morote noted that this academic year “is starting with over one thousand new students enrolled at our institution”, an academic year during which “we will commit to new degree programs that help consolidate our School of Social Sciences even more. And regarding the School of Architecture and Engineering “we are working to increase the technical degree programs we offer”.

In the Health Sciences Department, the Universidad Europea de Valencia Rector wanted to announce that “we have created two new degree programs and we are waiting for the green light from the educational institutions” in order to offer them to Valencian society.