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Julia Pulido and Javier García present “Hacia un Nuevo Espacio Euroatlántico. Una visión renovada de las Relaciones Transatlánticas en un Escenario Global”

01 feb 2017

On Monday, January 23, International Relations professors from the Universidad Europea and the Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Julia Pulido Gragera and Javier García Cantalapiedra, respectively, attended the Royal Tapestry Factory of Madrid to present the book “Hacia un Nuevo Espacio Euroatlántico. Una visión renovada de las Relaciones Transatlánticas en un Escenario Global(Towards a New Euro-Atlantic Area. An updated vision of Transatlantic Relations on a Global Stage). The text was coordinated by both professors and prologued by ambassador Javier Rupérez, who at the presentation described the book as admirable.

The presentation was also attended by Army General Luis Miguel Yagüe Herreros, who stressed the importance of work like this, as he believes that you learn Atlanticism at school”. He wanted to emphasize his desire for “work like this to find a space in academic teaching in our country”.

According to Pulido, “the goal of this book is to analyze the different strategic scopes of the project for an extended Euro-Atlantic area, which combines not only the scopes of economic, political and cultural cooperation, but also share risks and threats to Security”. The authors worked with specialists in each of the strategic areas, who analyze the current situation and study prospects for the future.

The text is divided into three intertwined approaches: one studies the geographic areas of the extended Euro-Atlantic Area; a second focuses on political and economic aspects; and finally, a third part that studies Security, analyzing the most significant risks and threats.  The book also features an introductory chapter written by Cantalapiedra, which presents the main arguments for the extended Euro-Atlantic Area.