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Jannis Fischer: ”The Master in Football Direction has boosted my career at the SV Werder Bremen"

08 sep 2017

Jannis Fischer has a bachelor in Hispanic Philology and Sports Sciences from the University of Oldenburg and Bremen. After finishing his degree in Germany, and after finishing his working experience at the Weser Kurier Newspaper in the sports sector, Fisher decided to become an expert of the sports industry, thanks to the education provided by the Master in Football Direction that he completed at the Real Madrid Graduate School – Universidad Europea.

Before he arrived in Madrid, the former student had the opportunity of improving his skills as a tennis trainer at the Atlético Montemar Tennis Club in the city of Alicante thanks to the time he spent in the city whilst doing an Erasmus. Then he had an opportunity in his home city, Bremen, where the Bundesleague team SV Werder Bremen offered him an internship as a Scout for new Young players and analyst of base and youth football.

The education he obtained with the Master in Football Direction, from the Real Madrid Graduate School – Universidad Europea, that has a clear international and professional focus, has helped to boost the professional path of this former student. The football team SV Werder Bremen trusted in his capacities and professional skills, and from July he is the official Scout for young football players in the Sub-8 and Sub-14 categories.

How did you get your opportunity at the SV Weder Bremen?

In 2016 I had the chance of doing an internship at the source of new players at the SV Weder Bremen. For three months I was doing video-analysis and scouting for the pool of young players for this team. After completing my work experience, I decided to continue working for the team as a freelance, as a scout for young players. It was thanks to my Master at the Real Madrid Graduate School – Universidad Europea that they trusted me and offered me a position as a scout for the youth categories.  

Can you describe a day at the club? What do you do in your role? What’s your position within the team?

I’m a Scout for the Sub-8 & Sub-14 categories. My job consists of looking for new talent in ad around Bremen. However, sometimes I have to travel to other places like Hamburg, Hanover or even further. Furthermore, I’m in charge or organizing the “Talent Days”, which involves a lot of planning to make sure that we send the invites to all the Young players that we want to participate. That’s how we manage to see all the talent that we then recruit for the younger teams. I also organize training sessions, prepare reports, tournaments… Or I’m just looking for new talent in the different football fields.

Do you think that the knowledge acquired at the Master is helping you on your daily tasks?

The knowledge I acquired at the Master helps me a lot in my daily tasks. Thanks to all the experience that I acquired there I’ve been able to develop new ideas to apply at work. Also, thanks to the Master my point of view about football is more international, thanks to my master colleagues that came from all over the world.