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The deadline for signing up for Summer Camp is May 29

30 may 2016

The business incubatorHUB Emprende , the space created by Universidad Europea on its Alcobendas Campus to promote entrepreneurship, has launched its Summer Camp initiative, a pre-incubator for ideas open to anyone with an innovative project (in its idea or seed phase). The deadline for applying is being extended to this Sunday, May 29, and projects may be presented at this link.

The general objective of the Summer Camp program is to offer an ideas pre-incubator service, in which 20 projects that are still in their early phases can become viable, investment-worthy start-ups thanks to a specific training program and individual and group mentoring that lasts eight weeks.  Additionally, during the Summer Camp, entrepreneurs will get to use a coworking space that has everything they need to carry out their activity, from work stations to meeting rooms with access to multimedia services.

With a total of 16 hours of training, the program is structured in eight training workshops that each last two hours. This is sufficient time to provide the participants with the skills and tools to progressively strengthen their business idea, as well as to discuss the main aspects of the evolution and growth of a start-up.

Summer Camp also features specialized mentoring sessions—both group and individual sessions—that use the Cink Emprende Incubation Methodology, which includes all the necessary phases for successfully developing a project: from maturing, comparing, and defining the idea; the value proposition or business model; to the creation of the business plan.